Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Film director apologises

Bluegreen Productions director and founder Philippe Caland who made the controversial movie 'Hollywood Buddha', has tendered an apology against the backdrop of growing criticism of the disrespectful treatment of Buddhism in the film.

"I have made a movie called 'Hollywood Buddha', that itself has only respect and admiration for the positive power and great significance of the peaceful message of the Buddha. Unfortunately, my ignorance as to the acceptable depiction and use of the Buddha's image, though in keeping with the character I play, in his naiveté and tendency to make wrong choices, is quite unacceptable and even highly disrespectful to practitioners of this important religious way of life. This ignorance may be consistent with the humorous character I play, but a terrible mistake on my part as I have only respect for the Buddha and his revolutionary teaching.

"With much chagrin I have learned that an advertising image for my film 'Hollywood Buddha' has offended Buddhists by depicting the main character, me, sitting on a Buddha statue. I have immediately initiated all steps necessary to remove the image from ads everywhere it has been used in the world, and I offer my deepest apology for this inadvertent insult and disrespect. The image was created by combining two photographs and never did anyone actually sit on a Buddha statue.

"Further, I did not understand the image was offensive, or I never would have allowed its use in any way. No disrespect for Buddhist beliefs would ever be tolerated by me or those I work with.

“The film never makes fun of Buddhism or any religion, but instead shows how frauds commercialise religion for their own gain. I have the greatest respect for Buddhists and all people of faith and peace, and hope this apology begins to express my regret for pain this image has caused."
