Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Statistics speak for itself no need for debates and arguments

This refers to a letter "a rejoinder to Catholic Bishops" published in "The Island" of 21.08.2004, by Dr. Bandara Jayaweera.

The Bishops have provided statistical data from the Census and Statistics Department, to determine the percentage of Christians in proportion to the total population of Sri Lanka. The breakdown shows 9-10 percent Christian population for each decade, since the inception of this department. The census count in the year 2001 has revealed a decrease in the Christian population registering only 6.9 percent. As we all know, statistics speak for itself and there is no need for debates and arguments.

The learned doctor sounds rather naive when he attempts to side-track the issue regarding the decrease in the Christian population. He states the drop in the Christian population is certainly not due to improper conversions of Christians to Buddhism. I could only laugh at such a whimsical theory. This is the first time such a preposterous suggestion has been made by a so-called saviour of Buddhism.

This version of narrow mischievous thinking by the learned doctor, I believe, is basically intended to be used as a preamble to his illogical arguments, he proposes to put forward to justify the live and cry by the Jathika Hela Urumaya, Success Sri Lanka, the Buddhist Congress and Minister of Buddha Sasana that Buddhism is in peril due to so-called unethical conversions to Christianity.

Christians do not need the learned doctor’s assistance to interpret the Supreme Court determination, that points out some very salient paragraphs in the Anti-Conversion Bill, that are in consistent with the Constitution. Sri Lankans are past masters of twists and turns which exactly is what the doctor has calculated to do.

Christians will always abide by the word of God contained in the Holy Bible. Basically, biblical provisions centres around are caring and sharing, God given gifts with those who are economically handicapped.

President Kumaratunga said a mouthful when she said, Anti-Conversion Laws will not work, Buddhists must look after Buddhists. How true these words are only time will tell "NATO" (No Action Talk Only) Buddhists better pull up your socks. It’s not yet too late.

A. G. Talayaratne
